Point topology 定理

Bolzano-Weistrass theorem

  • If a bounded set SRnS \subseteq \mathbb{R}^n contains infinity many points, then there is at least one point in Rn\mathbb{R}^n which is a limit point of SS.

  • Every sequence in SS has a subsequence that converges a point of SS.

Cantor intersection theorem

  • {Q1,Q2,,} \lbrace Q_1, Q_2, \cdots,\rbrace be a countable collection of nonempty sets in metric space (X,d)(X, d) such that

    • Qk+1QkQ_{k+1} \subseteq Q_k, k=1,2,,k=1,2,\cdots,.

    • Each set QkQ_k is bounded and Q1Q_1 is closed set.

    • \Rightarrow k=1Qk\cap_{k=1}^{\infty}Q_k is closed and nonempty set.

Lindelof covering theorem

  • (X,d)(X,d) is metric space, and SXS \subseteq X.

    • GG is an open covering of SS.

    • then there is a countable subcollection of GG which also covers SS.

  • 此定理證明了在metric space XX中的任意集合SS如果為open covering (countable or uncountable),則SS必可被可數的集合open covering。

Heine-Borel theorem

  • ERnE \subseteq \mathbb{R}^n, then the following properties are equivalent:

    • EE is closed and bounded set.

    • EE is compact set.

    • Every infinite subset of EE has a limit point in EE.

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