Doing Bayesian Data Analysis, 2nd筆記

  • 雖然本書的範例均非PyMC,但我們將改寫為PyMC3的程式討論之。
  • 此書包含三大部份:
    • 貝式機率、模型、推理介紹。
    • 現代貝式分析與MCMC(Monte Carlo Markov chain)介紹與範例。
    • 應用貝式模型至真實資料上。

Chapter 2: Introduction: Credibility, Models, and Parameters

  • 文中在不混淆的情形下,使用可信度(credibility)替代機率(probability)一詞。

  • Bayesian data analysis has two foundational ideas.

    • Bayesian inference is reallocation of credibility across possibilities. (貝式推理基於可能性重新分配可信度(機率))。
    • The possibilities, over which we allocate credibility, are parameter values in meaningful mathematical models.


Sherlock Holmes "How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?",即使某一事件事前(priori)機率非常小,但是若其它因素均排除後,即使此事件發生的機率很小,仍應相信其發生的可能性。


上圖中,假設事件的結果與原因有絕對的關係;然而現實中,事件與原因的關係通常是機率性的,比如說在犯罪現場發現鞋印,通過鞋印的大小和尺寸可以猜測犯人所穿的鞋子,但是無法百分之百正確猜中。這個範例中,原因(cause)是鞋子,而量測結果(measured effect)是鞋印的大小,其為隨機關係。在科學實驗中,量測通常充滿了隨機性,外在的因素常常會影響量測的準確性。所有的量測資料必定含有雜訊(noise), 而我們的目標是從含有雜訊的資料中找出其趨勢。


  1. Identify the data relevant to the research questions. (定義特徵與預測的對象變數)
  2. Define a descriptive model for the relevant data. The mathematical form and its parameters should be meaningful and appropriate to the theoretical purposes of the analysis.
  3. Specify a prior distribution on the parameters.
  4. Use Bayesian inference to re-allocate credibility across parameter values. Interpret the posterior distribution with respect to theoretically meaningful issues (assuming that the model is a reasonable description of the data; see next step).
  5. Check that the posterior predictions mimic the data with reasonable accuracy (i.e., conduct a “posterior predictive check”). If not, then consider a different descriptive model.

Data analysis without parametric models?

  • 本書不討論Bayesian nonparametric model。 * nonparametric model不是沒有參數,而是參數太多(無窮大)以致於無法表達。
  • For a tutorial on Bayesian nonparametric models, see Gershman and Blei (2012); for a recent review, see Müller and Mitra (2013); and for textbook applications, see Gelman et al. (2013).


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